Saturday, July 22, 2006

Rachel's Resume

Rachel Harnett

June 2002, Bachelor of Education
University of Windsor, Windsor ON

June 1999, Bachelor of Journalism and Law (Combined Honours)
Carleton University, Ottawa ON

Teaching Experience

Sept. 2003 to present
Teacher, JK/SK
Bala Avenue C.S., Toronto ON

  • Created motivational math and language games, such as Snowman Hat Match
  • Read aloud daily to students, followed up by retelling
  • Modeled reading and writing of songs and poems regularly
  • Modeled a variety of cues to solve words e.g., sounding out, rhyming words, substitution
  • Accommodated for students strengths and weaknesses
  • Designed various bulletin board displays - “I Have A Dream” for Black History Month
  • Arranged creative curriculum focused activity centres, such as dramatic play, sand/water tables, cut and paste, math/science, writing
  • Observed students on a regular basis, using running records, checklists
  • Coached cross-country running team, Track and Field

July 2004
Teacher (Summer School), Grade 5
Portage Trail C.J.S., Toronto ON

  • Provided creative, interesting lessons to assist students requiring review of math and language skills
  • Reinforced positive student attitude through Future Aces

Sept. 2002 to June 2003
Teacher, Grade 4
Bala Avenue C.S., Toronto ON

  • Actively involved students in daily lessons through constructivist approaches
  • Integrated art and math through creative art, drama, music and science lessons
  • Students participated actively in independent reading/writing, shared reading/writing, guided reading and literature circles in an on-going basis
  • Print-rich environment

Other Relevant Employment Experience

May 2002 to July 2002
Teacher, Education Afloat
Harbourfront Centre, Toronto ON

  • Delivered/taught/prepared workshops for children about the geography of Toronto
  • Liased with visiting teachers on scheduling and requirements for workshops

Sept. 1998 to 1999
Residence Fellow
Carleton University, Ottawa ON

  • Helped students with the transition from home to university life
  • Responsible for 55 university students ranging in age from 17 to 24
  • Co-ordinated activities with residents such as social, educational and sporting events
  • Advised students on various issues such as roommate conflicts

Profile of Skills and Interests

  • Solid athletic ability and self-motivated
  • Marathon runner, Ultimate Frisbee player
  • Cross-country running, track and field coach, interest to coach volleyball
  • Great classroom management skills, proactive
  • Patient, firm and fair approach, consistent
  • Implemented new and progressive programs, such as Second Step, classroom signals, silent entry
  • Superb problem solving, conflict resolution and mediation skills
  • Ongoing, professional learning
  • AQ’s: Childhood Education (Sept. ‘03), Computers In The Classroom, Part 1 (Sept. ‘03), Part 2 (Feb. ‘06), Part 3 (July '06)
  • Actively participate in workshops, in-services relevant to my teaching practice: Tribes TLC ® ,Oct. ‘04
  • Roots of Empathy participant, Sept. ’05 – June ’06
  • Created helpful/resourceful web sites: (a student guide to find Internet resources) and (a classroom web site)
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication and editing skills
  • Reporter for local paper
  • Strong language skills (English and French)
  • Seeking further involvement in extracurricular activities
  • Assisting in school choir, beginning a classroom/school newspaper and class web site
  • Leading leisure/games club: enjoy backgammon, euchre, chess, variety of boardgames
  • Advanced computer skills
    Ø Integrated computer use into daily lessons
    Ø Administrative assistant for 3 years using vast array of programs
    Ø Computer Skills: Microsoft Office, WordPerfect, HyperStudio, KidPix, Adobe, Internet, Mac graphics

  • Back to Rachel's E-Portfolio Main Page